Thursday, September 29, 2011

環法.菜 | Tour de France - The Press Room

承蒙厚愛,先是獲邀到Bettys Kitschen吃早餐,之後又得到The Press room邀請出席Social Media Tasting Event,嘗試名為Tour de France的菜單,真是又興奮又榮幸!

Breakfast At Bettys - Bettys Kitschen

自從上次在Bettys Kitschen吃過昂貴但美味的午餐,一直都有想再試其早餐menu的想法。這次幸得公關Janice邀請,可以到嚐試幾種美味的早餐菜式,真幸運,也要在此再次謝謝Janice的邀請和安排!

Monday, September 26, 2011

好食到彭彭聲上報了 - 太陽報 25/09/11

自上次為The SUN Daily做Kindergarten的bloggers' secret trial後(詳情可按這裡),好食到彭彭聲又上報喇! 

八月十六八月軒 - 八月軒



Sunday, September 25, 2011

港島第一(街)小上海 - 小上海


Monday, September 19, 2011

銅鑼灣的空中花園 - Rondavy's



Sunday, September 18, 2011

憂.秀 - 秀拉麵



Saturday, September 17, 2011

月黑風高薄餅夜 - Pizza Express


Friday, September 16, 2011

好食到彭聲上報了! Panpansang on the Sun - 太陽報 160911

Much thanks to Melody@The Sun, I was privileged to be invited to have a blogger's secret trial at Kindergarten on 2nd September....some of you might have read my review on the place before, which can be accessed HERE:

The review has been published on The Sun Life today yayyyy! I will grab a copy as soon as I pass by any convenient stores.

Be sure not to miss out the online version of the article! :D

You are also mostly welcomed to look at my previous featurings on SCMP and Foodie Magazine :) 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Where I have been since Sept 1

Wondering what I have been eating lately?  


Wednesday, September 07, 2011

那年那月那日 蛋願與妳再會 - 連粵日粵饌居酒屋



Tuesday, September 06, 2011

An exclusive sneak peek into LKF Festival of Wine..Robata Zawazawa

(**This is the epilogue of a long night: click HERE, HERE or HERE for the prologue and previous scenes**)

After having the delicious Italian and French courses at Goccia and La Perouse, we made it (still able to walk in straight lines after having so much wine, thank god) to Robata Zawazawa, literally around the corner along Wyndham Street, to enjoy our final pairing of dessert and cocktail. Ichi-ban!

An exclusive sneak peek into LKF Festival of Wine..La Perouse

(nom nom nom nom nom. Click HERE for the introduction, and HERE for the previous dishes I had at Goccia)

Our next destination was La Perouse, a cozy French restaurant on the 2/F of a building next to Goccia, and we were there to have our second - or fifth?! - course of the night, paired with wine, of course.

An exclusive sneak peek into LKF Festival of Wine..Goccia

**Clueless? Read THIS to know what, where, who, why and how this is all about..**


We kicked off our evening with 6 courses (yes,6!) and 5 different wines at Goccia, our first destination.

An exclusive sneak peek into LKF Festival of Wine..Introduction

A shameless confession: I know little about wine. I mean, in the past i couldnt drink due to allergic concerns, and it has only been months since I overcame it and start drinking. But drinking is like eating, you have to drink extensively before knowing what's good and what's goof, and with my limited drinking experience came only the most trivial knowledge on wine, let alone the pairing of food with compatible wine!

As a result I was thrilled when i received the invitation to an Exclusive sneak peek into the upcoming LFK Festival of Wine, an evening that - interestingly - involved a meal and wines at three different restaurants in SOHO! It had been a great night indeed, having met up with other bloggers as well as representatives from the participating restaurants, and great food and wine, of course!

Sunday, September 04, 2011

金翅畢德鳥 - 德記潮州菜館



未出發先興奮 - Linguini Fini

位於中環的Linguini Fini,是我非常喜歡的一間意大利餐廳:食物好吃,價錢超值,環境不錯(就是音樂吵了點);雖不設加一,服務卻相當好,我更不太受不設訂枱的限制影響,所以是一間我常常想往那裡鑽的餐廳.


它起初只在星期一至六營業,令我每逢週日都有點失落.但自九月四日起週日不再休息,更提供brunch menu選擇,愛吃早餐的我當然不會錯過!

Saturday, September 03, 2011

早安,香港 - 港土茶記



Friday, September 02, 2011

開.學.了 - Kindergarten


Kindergarten, 在我的餐廳wishlist上已良久.可惜因它實在太有個性,只在星期五至日的下午營業,而我怕咖啡因加上壓力會失眠,下午不敢碰咖啡,所以就一直未有到訪.


Thursday, September 01, 2011

心有不甘捷絲旅-好食到彭彭聲在台北(August 2011)

*詳細行程可按這裡 *

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