Tuesday, May 31, 2011



回想起來,原來已經是一年前的事.這天早上起得早,一聲:'去不去昌記吃油砂多士?' 人只是半醒,也就不知怎的跟著去了.






再來就是期待已久的第一厚多士普通占多.雖然已吃過一次,但當很厚很厚的多士送來時,還是忍不住驚嘆了一聲. 一旁的普通多士其實已經比外面的多士厚得多,但放在第一厚多士旁邊,頓時小巫見大巫!

招牌油砂第一厚多士 - 厚厚的多士被不規則的切成四塊,烘得邊位帶點燶,表面塗了已溶的牛油,再灑上點點砂糖.簡單的配搭,味道卻是非一般的!

塗了香甜牛油的厚多士,是名付其實的外超脆內超軟,麵包本身質地比普通的軟和幼細,的加上粒粒起砂的砂糖,吃著吃著居然有點吃蛋糕的感覺-對了,這有點像angel's food又或是crunch cake.想想看:兩者都是又厚又高的,底層是軟滑的蛋糕/麵包,上面再放點又脆又甜的東西-大家的原理和好吃的道理,其實是差不多的!


兩份多士一厚一薄,風味不同,很難分出究竟哪一種做法比較好.所以如果要來這裡吃東西,除非你胃納是非一般的大,否則最好湊夠兩人或以上才來:這樣就可以一樣叫一份,and get the best out of both worlds!




昌記 Cheong Kee
Shop 1 & 5, 2/F, Wong Nai Chung Complex, 2 Yuk Sau Street, Happy Valley
星期一至六: 07:00-18:00
星期日: 每月不定時開一日

Saturday, May 28, 2011




老實說,勝香園的油檸蜜脆真的好吃到沒話說,所以是每次必叫的項目. 而除了脆脆以外通常會叫的是厚多士. 上星期我從星加坡回來,云云美食當其中最令人回味的就是阿坤的咖央多. 勝香園碰巧也有咖央多-今天就來一份粗麥多版本的,來個星港咖央多pk賽好了!




好,比併完畢.平心而論,把兩地不能做法的咖央多硬拿來比較是不公平的,阿坤獨沽一味,勝香園還要兼顧脆脆豬仔飽熱狗飽還有湯麵湯通粉. 而且星州吃咖央早已集以為常,我們卻是當成一種較特別的多士塗料,心態不同,又怎會弄出差不多的東西來?



勝香園 Sing Heung Yuen
2 Mei Lun Street, Central
星期一至六: 08:00-17:30; 星期日: 休息

Friday, May 27, 2011



早上工作之前,在正街一帶閒溜,也要找個地方先吃個早餐,補充一下營養.老實說,經過一年前的折騰,我的胃口可真像最近的天氣,時睛時雨時凍時熱,餓起來可以吃完整整一條牛,但如果真的胃口不好,無論用撬也撬不開我的口. 也有時候會突然很想很想吃一種東西,這種癮通常來得突然,也是完全無里頭的,例如無喇喇會極度想吃油炸鬼,或者牛角飽,又或者咖喱.今天早上食物癮又發作,是次的crave是:豬仔飽.








本來無甚期望的煎腸粉反而好一點。等等等了很久才到的它熱騰騰,應是即叫即煎.長條形的豬腸粉猜是來路貨吧,雖然有點油膩但煎得香口.豉油帶甜,不是一味死咸.問問阿姐有甜醬否,她就一大支拿過來讓我們自己落,開心死我等甜醬怪!煎過的腸粉點著甜醬也就更好吃了!這碟東西,以十九二十元來說,可真算是不錯. 所以有時候真的是沒有期望就沒有失望,甚至會有驚喜!



Thursday, May 26, 2011


香港真的有很多日式放題餐廳,隨便翻開飲食雜誌就能看到一大堆甚麼甚麼放題的廣告;而通常一般質素的放題都是收$150-$180一位,貴一點的從前就只有像碗屋之類,一下之要跳到接近$400一位的收費.之前放題都是以便宜,抵食為賣點,但自從中環的大喜屋以$200多一點的收費,但提供高質素食物為selling point之後,和它競爭的飲食集團亦推出收費較一般高一點點,但環境,裝修,食物和服務都比一般的放題餐廳高級的松家'迎戰'. 在這裡先看了看食評,感覺好像不錯,地點不釣腳,手上也有八五折的優惠,就一行十人去試試看!



以放題來說,這裡的食物選擇還真算不少,由刺身,壽司,手卷,鐵板燒,串燒種種都有,看得令人眼花撩亂! 但點菜則同樣亂,因為這兒是直接和侍應落單的,比用落單紙麻煩!








串燒向來是這習團餐廳的專長!這裡的串燒種類也不少,但唯獨沒有雞軟骨,為甚麼?? 不過幸好有燒牛舌和羊扒等等!








雪糕-最開心就是雪糕是任點任吃的!雖然應該是dairy farm的一品,但有芝麻,紅豆,綠茶和較少見的菠蘿味雪糕選擇,而且每一球雪糕都只是平常的一半,就算想嘗試多幾種口味也不怕吃得太多!最愛的芝麻雪糕味道幾濃郁,黏黏的幾討好!綠茶雪糕帶感覺人工的綠茶甜味,但也可接受!紅豆雪糕則奶粉味太重,紅豆味反而太少,不好吃!反而菠蘿雪糕幾特別,帶冰感的雪糕味道清香,還有一塊塊菠蘿肉在裡面,感覺不錯!:)



松家日本料理 Matsuya Japanese Restaurant
2/F, Hip Shing Hong Centre, 55 Des Voeux Road Central, Central
晚市放題 (正價加一服務費)
A1.5:30-8:00 成人$198
A2.9:00-11:30 成人$198
B1.6:00-9:00 成人$238
B2.8:00-11:30 成人$238

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Homey, Homei and Hearty@Homei, Soho

I am not sure about how the name should be read- is it 'homey' or 'ho-mei' ? Which is the message the owner of the cafe wishes to tell via the name, a cosy, home-like atmosphere of the cafe, or tasty food and coffee it serves? However the name should be read and interpreted, the small cafe - one of the smallest in HK, according to CNNgo - is literally both homey and ho-mei.

We were there at nine something in the morning. The cafe was within walking distance from my place, at a exceptionally quiet corner along the street. I had walked pass the street for countless times but, shamefully, i had never walked along the section the cafe is on. Behind the smelly and smokey temple, I would not set foot on that particular sector along the street had i not know about the cafe.

Homei is small - at less than 150 sq. feet, the cafe can only carry two small tables and four petite chairs plus the bar. The door was kept opened so that light, cool breezes could blow into the little cafe. Worry not about noise and dust from traffic: the road is for exclusive use of pedestrians. Looking to the outside from the cafe, the view and the atmosphere looked awfully un-Hong Kong like. The cafe is like a time machine: a step into the place brings you somewhere else, and the cost of the 'trip' overseas? A reasonable fare for a nice cup of coffee. The menu is not extensive, and only simple foods and coffee are served. But mind you that most of them are home-made by the owners of the cafe. Even the muffins are homemade! It instantly reminded me of the cafe i previously worked at as temp where they charge way too much for muffins and croissants, which were not baked by the cafe but bought somewhere else. In contrast, this little cafe bakes and serves its customers with a heart.

We did not want to overload our stomach in the morning, so we shared a muffin set and ordered another cup of coffee. A large variety of flavoured lattes were available and we had a ginger latte and roasted hazelnut latte, both with skimmed milk. Only pineapple muffin were available so we had one on that.

The food and drinks came slowly, and i was happy that the pineapple muffin had been reheated. It smelt really nice! The texture was different from that I had at Dan Ryan's two days ago, and this was more moist, less crumbly and softer in texture. It was also modestly sweet and tasted very pineapple-ish. Chunks of pineapple flesh could be found in the muffin and their crispy texture contrasted well with the soft and moist dough of the muffin. The surface of the muffin was baked till crispy and i enjoyed eating the crust a lot - it was literally ho-mei!

I watched how the owner-cum-barista carefully poured the foamed milk over to form a delicate latte art on our drinks - it took longer than usual for the coffees to be served, but we were not in a hurry so we did not mind. The milk foam was very dense, fine, despite thin; it tasted sweet however, and was it because of the Pura milk they were using? I kinda regretted ordering a flavoured latte for myself as it was really too sweet for me. Should have asked for a latte with reduced syrup. Anyhow, hazelnut lovers should not miss the coffee here as it was very, very aromatic and sweet. Not quite my cup of tea however, but I like how mild the espresso shot was. It was not very strong and sour, but i should not have ordered a flavoured one so that i could better taste the espresso.

M's ginger latte (not photographed) had pieces of ginger in it but i heard it was not as spicy as that at robuchon. The large chunks of ginger at the bottom of the cup were pretty stunning tho as they appeared to be really strong and spicy.

Homey, homei and hearty-what more can you ask for from this little, humble cafe in Sheung Wan? I would definitely go again for the homemade sandwich, freshly baked cakes and of course, the coffee. But no flavoured syrup next time - i might have a sweet tooth but definitely not for the coffee please!

Shop B, G/F, 22-24A Tai Ping San Street, Sheung Wan

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Seriously Scrumptious Singapore May 2011 - Day one.

Two days ago I celebrated the end to my exam period by having a delicious buffet BBQ dinner at Habitu; the morning after my family and I flew to Singapore for a serious, relaxing trip which we three all need. Work has deprived us of the life we should be enjoying, and I was more than happy to see the exam go, and summer craze moves in to take its place.

We booked onto the Cathay Pacific flight early in the morning and after the last taste of Hong Kong condensed into a piggy bun with condensed milk and butter at Tsui Wah, washed down with hot milk tea, we flew 23.5 latitude south to Singapore, a place we last visited two years ago.

Why Singapore while there are better destinations for a summer trip? Simple – Singapore is full of good food. From Kaya toast to Laksa, we love them all. Singapore is well-known for its diversity in culture and attempts of uniting the races have not brought cuisines together down into the melting pot, cooked into something that’s neither this nor that. Instead, the authentic tastes are much preserved in the little country, and interestingly, mostly by hawkers’ centres scattered all over the North, East, South and West of the country.

So the problem with the trip is not WHAT we should eat; the issue is what we should eat FIRST. It was indeed difficult to rank the food we want to try and fit them into the itinerates of our trip. Should we have the Hainanese Chicken first, or the satay? But oh there is this very nice Kway Deow that the blogger says is a must-try. So where should we eat first? After numerous discussions (and more discussions during meals) we finally sorted out how to eat the most without stuffing ourselves to death (and gaining weight..) within the limited time we have.

At two in the afternoon we finally landed in Singapore, after a turbulent flight on the worn CX flight. Of course, I skipped my flight meal. Nothing tasted worst than flight meals and I’d rather stay starved than eating that. I was not feeling hungry as I had a nice breakfast before flying and more importantly, I had way better food coming that deserved the calorie quota better.

We spent little time finding the coach that would bring us to Sands, but the vehicle was more idle than moving as it had to stop at three terminals before moving onto the road.

Upon arrival I was disappointed by the hotel we were checking in as it was too noisy and crowded. The hotel lobby was huge and spacious but it was also full of people walking by. Worse still, hotel check-in only started at three. So we dumped our luggage with the hotel and took a taxi to Geylang for the famous beef kway teow.

Geylang is a relatively poorer district, and is commonly known for the stalls selling durians and fruits, numerous cheap food as well as legal prostitution available. Among the cafes is the Lor 9 famous beef kway teow, a favourite among the local people.

Years back then when I travelled to Singapore for the first time I had a taste of the kway teow and it marked an impression so deep that I wanted to try it again really bad. Luckily we managed to find the shop by asking a taxi driver during our last visit. The stall was not eye-catching at all. We went at two thirty and the place was empty.

A short, cheerful woman greeted us with a menu, and within 30 seconds our order was placed.

The dish of beef kway teow (S $?) was amazing. It was cooked with a dark and rich gravy. The rice noodles were chopped into shorter pieces and stuck together when stir-fried, but it was still great as they could hold the delicious gravy in. The beef were not extraordinarily juicy but that did not matter, as the kway teow alone was tasty enough.  A drizzle of spicy soy sauce made it even more amazing to eat.

We also ordered a dish of spicy cuttlefish with vegetables(M), as well as a special seafood tofu (S).The latter tasted like tofu with minced fish, and tasted great after dipping in the sweet soy sauce it came with. The meal was a cheap one and the place wasn’t that dirty and crowded at all, and the kway teow was really worth all the travelling.

After lunch we walked along the fruit stalls and bought some before heading back to the hotel for checking-in. Worse still we were told that they didn’t have a room for us unless we waited for another extra two hours. So I wandered around in the Shoppe next to the hotel while my parents went gambling, and it was only until five something that we finally got our room. Pissed, we complained and got $100 worth of dining credits which we later got exchanged for access to the internet.

The room was fine – the toilet was out of portion and the view was great, with an outlook to the Marinas Bay, but the details could have been more cared to. But the lounge chair beside the window was an amazing spot to just sit or nap on.

After a brief rest at our room we went to the Esplanade, right across the Bay, for the seafood dinner we reserved a few days ago on the web: prior reservation was a must as we learnt from our prior experience with No Signboard Seafood. We could just walk straight in this time and there were people queuing up for a table!

No Signboard Seafood just had its debuk in Hong Kong and reviews on its services and food were generally negative, but NSS in Singapore is still as popular as it has always been. And the food is great too. We ordered the Chili Crab (small) with mantou, the Coffee ribs(s), Cornflakes prawns(s),stir-fried vegetables(s) and a Tofu pot(s), and stir-fried noodles (we cancelled our order once we realized we would never be able to finish it).

The option of ordering the dish at a smaller portion was the second thing I love most about NSS – it allows smaller groups like ours to try more without having to waste a lot of food.

The first dish that came was the coffee ribs. The cubes of meat were coated in a dark, sticky sauce and drizzled with sesame. They were piping hot, and smelt of coffee but the meat tasted sweet, juicy and tender. It was great and definitely worth trying!

Then the much anticipated chili crab came in a large pot with the mantou. The sauce looked intimatingly pepper red-hot but it was not as spicy as it appeared to be. There were traces of cooked egg in it which gave the sauce a sweet aftertaste. It was so yummy that you could not help dipping the mantou into the sauce to eat the sauce! As for the crabs they were a little less impression-leaving, but the shell, well-cooked in the sauce, was soft enough to eat too. Still I thought the sauce was so outstanding that you could basically cook anything with it to make a great dish, and that need not to be a crab. It could be prawns and it might taste even better!

As for the veggies, the stir-fried one was quite spicy while the tofu pot was really boring to eat.

The last dish to be ready was the cereal prawns. The portion was generous as there were, like, ten smaller prawns hidden in the impressive heap of crunchy cornflakes!(that was the point when we decided to cancel our noodles). The prawns were terrific as even the shells were cooked until absolutely crispy, and the flesh was really fresh and juicy. Even the cornflakes, being a little sweet, tasted terrifically great. It was an amazingly clever invention of the Singaporeans indeed!

Our meal was slightly cheaper than what we had expected – the crab was pretty small and so cost not very expensive, and it was definitely worth the money. Too bad the Hong Kong branch had not succeeded in recipicating the taste of the dish!

After dinner we walked back to our hotel via the bridge connecting the Esplanade and the place. The view was great and the sea breeze was pretty cool, and a lot of people were shooting photos of the promenade as we strode. It was a nice night indeed.

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