Thursday, May 12, 2011

Breakfast@Cheung Heung Yuen

Just another ordinary exam period morning it was, as i went all the way to Cheung Heung Yuen in the Western district for a nice start of the day. I always like the homebaked bread there and of course, its milk tea, yuen yeung and coffee. It has become my second favourite spot for breakfast, the first being the perceptually lovely Shing Heung Yuen of course.
I was there by eight something and sadly, the baking trays were already half-emptied, and there were not many to choose from. The red bean bun i wanted was not available so i opted for the Coconut bun again, with a hot yuen yeung.

The bun was as delicious as it was last time, but a little problem i discovered with it was that it was a little messy to eat with the shredded coconuts dropping out all the time when you eat.

The drinks were nice without a question: hot, smooth, carrying the perfect balance between the milk and the coffee. You cant call yourself a Hong Kongese without trying this absolutely perfect drink.

And as i drank bottom up i realized there was a print in the bottom of the cup....i did not know about the campaign by the evaporated milk thing, but it looked really cute and i could a set of tea cups identical to those used in Cha Chen Tangs. Now that sounds really nice - think of a freshly brewed latte in a chaa chen tang ceramic cup for breakfast. Yumm!

香滑濃厚黑白奶茶光輝70載 鬼馬插畫茶杯首度面世 讓您發掘源源不絕的奶茶驚喜


陪伴香港人成長的黑白淡奶不經不覺已踏入70週年,過去曾創造了無數港人的集體回憶和揚威海外的港式奶茶文化。其正宗及香滑濃厚的奶茶口味更是家 傳戶曉。為分享這份光榮和喜悅,黑白淡奶由4月中開始舉行一連串的慶祝活動及優惠,並邀請了三大人氣插畫師小克、Dorophy和馬仔聯手打造70週年限量版黑白奶茶杯,將鬼馬幽默的插畫融合香滑港式奶茶,為大家帶來難忘的「嘆茶」好時光。好味尋杯底遊戲  換購限量版茶杯
想將小克、馬仔和Dorophy設計的黑白奶茶杯據為己有?您只需在5月9日至6月27日期間參加「黑白淡奶好味尋杯底遊戲」,即有機會換購首6 款精美限量版茶杯。凡於使用黑白淡奶的茶餐廳享用奶茶後,拍下杯底的插畫圖案,並將相片上載到網站,便可領取E-stamp (電子換領信)。憑信到指定Circle K便利店加$19,即可換黑白奶茶杯套裝乙套,套裝內更附有一張Circle K便利店免費奶茶贈券,為您送上最窩心的香濃滋味。數量有限,換完即止。黑白淡奶公司背景
黑白淡奶一向深受港人與茶餐廳歡迎,早在七十年前開始,很多地道的港式茶餐廳已不約而同選用100%荷蘭製造的黑白淡奶沖製港式奶茶。黑白全脂淡 奶以新鮮牛奶製成,充分保存天然的奶香和奶脂。擁有足夠奶脂濃度的黑白淡奶,能在茶杯內壁凝成「掛杯」效果,讓奶茶口感馥郁細膩又充滿厚度,達至港式奶茶 香滑濃厚的口感。
黑白淡奶屬菲仕蘭(香港)有限公司旗下品牌,一直致力生產天然、富營養及高質素的食品和飲料,其產品行銷超過100個國家。於2004年,菲仕蘭 更被荷蘭女皇加冕為「皇家」菲仕蘭有限公司,成為全球十大奶類製品公司之一,絕對是信心保證。今年,黑白淡奶踏入光輝七十載,見證了七百萬港人的集體回憶 和港式奶茶文化的成功。未來,黑白淡奶將會繼續革新,為港人創造更多非一般的港式奶茶滋味。

祥香園茶餐廳 Cheung Heung Yuen Restaurant
107 Belcher's Street, Kennedy Town, Western District

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