Monday, April 22, 2013

[北韓飲食]煮蜆燃汽油之迷思 - 南浦

最近常在新聞聽到北韓的動態,就連lecture和assignment也不斷和她扯上關係,叫我不禁回想去年暑假到當地的難忘經歷,和吃過最奇怪最難吃的 汽 油 燒 蜆 。

係,你無眼花,正是用來推動機器的汽油,北韓人用來燒 蜆(吃).

Thursday, April 11, 2013

OMGAGA'D - Ms B's Cakery

Never do I possess a sweet tooth and I ain't a big fan for cakes and desserts. Seriously, if you see me ordering a slice from a cafe, something bad is bound to have happened. The only occasion when I do disassociate sugar with negative emotions is during birthday or festive celebrations when there's a crowd to share the cake with. It's no longer the cake but slices of pure happiness that's being shared and enjoyed.

& so lucky I am to have enjoyed some of the most wonderful birthday cakes with my family and friends, both from one of the top-notch bakery in town.

Monday, April 01, 2013

[東京叄月]靜嘗茶之美 - 茶寮都路里


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